AU4 111-2 Essay 2: How to improve your Health and Well Being

There are many ways people can improve their lives. Personally, I think that the three most important things we can do to improve our health and well being are do exercise, take three meals a day to get enough nutrition and daily routine. I think everybody should do these three things often because modern people strive for health.

For example, do exercise will improve people’s lives because can enhance physical power. Therefore, I think it’s a good idea for people to do outdoor activities, do yoga at home or work out at least four days a week.

Additionally, if people take three meals a day to get enough nutrition, they will maintain healthy bodily functions. Therefore, I think everybody should eat three meals a day and take in meats and protein in moderate.

Lastly, I think people will be much healthier if they do daily routine. Because, by doing daily routine, people will maintain a stable mental state. It will also help them to the skin will not get worse because of staying up late.

So remember to do exercise, take three meals a day to get enough nutrition and daily routine whenever you have some free time. Your health and wellbeing will improve and you will be happier and healthier.


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