AU4 111-2 essay 1: Amazing Wufeng

Wufeng is located in Wufeng District, Taichung City, Taiwan. Located at the southernmost tip of Taichung City. There are many national highways and provincial highways intersecting in the district, and the highway system is complete. It is the transportation hub in the south of Taichung City. In recent years, the museum culture has been actively developed. Traveler can go to visit Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden, Asia University and Guangfu New Village.

Wufeng Lin Family Mansion was one of the five major families in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation. The Lin family controls a large amount of land in central Taiwan, owns thousands of elite soldiers and camphor monopoly rights. It was one of the most influential families in Taiwanese society during the Qing Dynasty. Banqiao Lin’s Garden, Wufeng Lin’s vast Lai Garden is also quite famous. People can see the most complete, large and exquisite architectural complex in Taiwan in there. I love its unique quaint historic architectural features.

Asia University committed to building a “Garden University" with elegant architecture and a green environment. The best resort for shooting idol dramas, serials, TV commercials, movies, and wedding photos for all walks of life. Elegant Greco-Roman architecture. The administrative building is like a palace, the gymnasium looks like a Roman Colosseum, the humanities and management building has gables in front of it, the medical and health building has a pillared entrance, the information and electricity building has a pantheon foyer, and there are Greek-style colonnades in front of each dormitory. Asia University “Asia University Museum of Modern Art" is the first building designed by Master Tadao Ando in Taiwan, consisting of three triangles. I love every corner of my school.

Guangfu New Village located in Hangkou, Wufeng District, Taichung City, Taiwan. Guangfu New Village, established in Wufeng in 1956, became the first new town in Taiwan after the war, serving as a dormitory for provincial staff. The idle houses on the north side of the circle also form a colony of wild cats that have been ligated. The government began to compile a budget to gradually repair the houses, gradually introduce complex themed cultural and creative industries, and guide young people to start their own businesses. In addition to getting in touch with aboriginal cultural creativity, crafts, and agricultural specialties, there are also a number of aboriginal creators gathered here, and the public can personally participate in various courses and aesthetic exhibitions. I like to visit some small shops here in my spare time.

Although it is located in an area called Pianxiang in Taichung, Wufeng still has many beautiful scenery and buildings worth discovering. I also welcome everyone to taste the authentic food of Wufeng. And visit the most beautiful school in Taiwan – Asia University.


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