AU4 111-2 essay 3: My Spring Holiday Plans

Every year in Taiwan, we have several different holidays. This year, from April 1st through April 5th, we have a spring vacation for Tomb Sweeping Day. During this holiday, my family typically went to markets buy spring rolls. We will wrapped spring rolls. we will go to the cemetery to worship my ancestors in this festival. Other people like to eating spring rolls. This year, my plans are as follows.

On the first day of the spring holiday, I’m going to go to the cemetery to worship my ancestors. I will go to market buy spring rolls in my town. My family will prepare offerings for ancestor worship.

On the second day, I’m going to go to Alishan. While I’m there, I plan to climb mountains with my family. Alishan is located in Chiayi. There has rich natural ecology. The air is so clear in there.

Then, on the third day: I plan to go to a music festival with my friends in Kenting. This music festival is an annual event in Taiwan. And I main go to for my favorite bands.

I feel excited, because I plan many journey in this holiday. I’ve had a lot of fun this holiday season. Take advantage of this festival to gather with friends and family. I also went to many places and ate a lot of delicious food. This festival is my favorite holiday of the year.


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